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Library Collections and Services

Phone: +420-221 663 213, +420-221 663 614 (Hostivař)

Mgr. Lenka Maixnerová - CV

Address: National Library of the CR
Library Collections and Services
Klementinum 190
CZ 110 00 PRAGUE 1
Director: Mgr. Lenka Maixnerová
Section - Director: 1. Acquisition - Bc. Michal Záviška (ext. 327)
2. Bibliography and Cataloguing - Mgr. Edita Lichtenbergová (ext. 302)
3. Public Services - Mgr. Karolína Košťálová (ext. 161)
4. Collections Management - Anna Vandasová (ext. 580)
5. Collections Preservation - Ing. Petra Vávrová PhD. (ext. 575)
6. Modern Digital Collections Division - Mgr. et Bc. Michaela Bežová (ext. 102)

Library Collections and Services
It is a unit on the level of a sector (in Czech sekce), managed by a deputy director.

It systematically acquires, catalogues, manages, and preserves National Archival Collection, Universal Library Collections and Study Collections. It manages Reserve Collections. It provides complex public library and information services related to the aforementioned collections and to the external collections and information sources as well. It serves as the National Bibliographic Agency and the CIP Agency, the National ISBN/ ISMN Agency. It serves as the National Centre of Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Services of the Czech Republic and the National Centre for International Exchange of Official Publications. It is the centre of the Union Catalogue of the Czech Republic and the centre of the National Name and Subject Authorities. It makes comments, suggestions, proposals and recommendations concerning cultural heritage in the legislative and normative processes. Through the mediation of particular professional units, it guarantees, within the sphere of its competence, the conceptual, coordination, and methodical service and control as well as cooperation on national and international levels, and participates in research and development.


Lenka Maixnerová