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Phone: +420-221 663 327

Address: National Library of the CR
Klementinum 190
CZ 110 00 PRAGUE 1

Bc. Michal Záviška

Department - Head: 1. International Numbering Agencies Department - Mgr. Eva Knollová (ext. 230)
2. Domestic Acquisition Departement - Mgr. Olga Zeinertová (ext. 290,323)
3. Foreign Acquisition Department - Mgr. Irena Burešová (ext. 225)


It is a unit on the level of a division, managed by a director.

In accordance with the determined profile of acquisition (CONSPECTUS), it systematically acquires documents to the National Archival Collections, the Universal Collections, and the Study Collections. It guarantees parallel and retrospective acquisition of domestic documents (except for periodicals) and selective acquisition of foreign documents (except for purchase and gifts of periodicals). It keeps primary records of the acquired documents. It is the National ISBN/ ISMN Agency in the Czech Republic and the National Centre for International Exchange of Official Publications. Within the scope of its professional competence, it provides coordination, methodological, advisory and consultancy services, and authorized to do so are also the individual departments within their scope of competence. It participates in research and development.

International Numbering Agencies

It is a unit on the level of a department, managed by a head.

It serves as the National ISBN/ ISMN Agency in the Czech Republic for the systems of international standard book and music numbering. It cooperates with the International ISBN and ISMN Agencies and with other national and group agencies. It participates in production and revision of international ISO standards for the sphere of ISBN, ISMN.


Domestic Acquisitions

It is a unit on the level of a department, managed by a head.

Based on the current regulations, it acquires legal deposit copies of non-periodical publications and checks their complete submitting. By purchase or through gifts it acquires other copies of domestic documents for particular collections and workplaces. Retrospectively, it acquires the missing titles of domestic documents. It keeps primary records of newly acquired domestic documents. Based on the legal deposit copies, it prepares official retrospective statistics of the publishing production in the Czech Republic for the field of non-periodical publications.


Foreign Acquisitions

It is a unit on the level of a department, managed by a head.

It acquires foreign documents for particular collections and workplaces by means of purchase, interlibrary exchange and gifts. In coordination with the Periodicals Department, it acquires foreign periodicals through interlibrary exchange. It functions as the National Centre for International Interlibrary Exchange of Official Publications. It guarantees for the NL the compliance with the agreements on international interlibrary exchange of publications. It manages the exchange collections. It keeps the primary records of newly acquired foreign documents, except for periodicals.

Michal Záviška