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Public Services

Phone: +420-221 663 161
Address: National Library of the CR
Public Services
Klementinum 190
CZ 110 00 PRAGUE 1
Director: Mgr. Karolína Košťálová
Department - Head: 1. Reader Services - Mgr. Romana Ilgnerová (ext. 487)
2. Reading Rooms - Mgr. Eva Němcová (ext. 208)
3. Reference and ILL Services - PhDr. Anna Nerglová (ext. 657)
4. Periodicals - PhDr. Ludmila Štěpánková (ext. 391)

Public Services
It is a unit on the level of a division, managed by a director.
In accordance with the NL Rules and Regulations, it provides complex public library and information services to library users. It builds up a system of general and specialized reading rooms with reference libraries and reference collections. According to the determined profile of acquisition (CONSPECTUS), it ensures the system of acquisition and cataloguing of domestic and foreign periodicals. With regard to the content, it participates in the NL collections acquisition, namely the Universal Collections and Study Collections. It is the National Centre of Interlibrary Loan Service in the Czech Republic. Within the scope of its professional competence, it provides coordination, methodological, advisory, and consultancy services. Authorized to do so are also individual subordinate units within the scope of their competence. It participates in research and development work.


Reader Services
It is a unit on the level of a department, managed by a head.
In accordance with the NL Rules and Regulations, it provides check‐out loan services from the Universal Collections and Study Collections in the Main Hall, it provides professional and methodical information on the NL collections and develops individual and collective forms of work with users. It keeps files of the NL registered users and administers an automated loan system. It keeps records of the lost loans and takes care of their replacement, it prepares documents to claim them legally. As part of the modernization of services, it provides support for self-service book returns via the NL returns box, it manages the remote registration process and assists users (especially the unregistered ones) in accessing digitized documents. It offers self‐service copying and provides photocopying and other reproduction services made to order. It is responsible for a central cash register for the NL users. It participates in acquisitions to the Universal Collections and Study Collections with regard to their content.


Reading Rooms

It is a unit on the level of a department, managed by a head. 
In accordance with the NL Rules and Regulations, it provides check-in loans of printed and non-printed documents published from 1801 on, which are part of the NL Universal Collections, Study Collections and Reserve Collections, to the General Reading Room, Social and Natural Science Reading Room and Scholars Reading Room. It participates in administrative management of this part of the collections´ circulation. It provides access to the National Digital Library, to publicly available NL databases, selected licensed databases and the Internet. It builds up reference libraries in individual reading rooms. It builds up information tools related to the collections in its administration. It provides information and consultancy service especially in social and natural sciences, self‐service copying, it mediates photoduplication and other reprographic services made to order. It participates in acquisition to the Universal Collections and Study Collections with regard to the content.


Reference and Interlibrary Loan Services

It is a unit on the level of a department, managed by a head. 
In accordance with the NL Rules and Regulations it provides mainly reference services, interlibrary loans (ILL) and other specialized services in the NL Reference Centre. It provides self‐ service copying and mediates reproduction services made to order. It provides access to electronic information sources and internet and organizes training to work with them. The department provides both in-house and remote services, including virtual reference services – Ask your library. It builds up and administers a reference library of the Reference Centre, performs the function of the National Centre of ILL Service in the Czech Republic. It represents the ILL Service in the Czech Republic in negotiations with national centres of other countries and international organizations. It is a retrieval centre in the National Library. It participates in acquisition to the Universal Collections and Study Collections with regard to the content.


It is a unit on the level of a department, managed by a head.
Based on the rules and regulations in force, it acquires legal deposits of printed periodicals and controls the completeness of their depositing. By purchase, exchange - in cooperation with the Foreign Acquisition Department - and gifts, it acquires domestic and foreign periodicals for particular collections and departments. Retrospectively, it acquires missing periodical titles above all of the Bohemical character..It keeps the primary and continuous records of acquired periodicals. Based on legal deposits, it completes official complex statistic files of the printed periodical publishing production in the Czech Republic. It provides descriptive and subject cataloguing of printed periodicals in accordance with valid international / national standards. According to the NL Rules and Regulations, it provides access to contemporary Czech and foreign periodical literature in the Periodicals Reading Room. It provides self-service copying as well as photoduplication and other reproduction services made to order. It provides access to selected online information sources. It administers open access collections and a collection of unbound periodicals.


Services Development and Technical Support

It is a unit on the level of a department, managed by a head.
It executes reprographic and photoduplication services to order for direct user services within the scope competence of the NL Services Department and other NL departments and workplaces. It participates in the reformatting of the NL holdings.  It provides technical support to project leaders by producing photographic documentation for them.  It ensures photographic documentation of the NL social and cultural activities.

Professional Activities

Karolína Košťálová