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Economy and Operation Management

Phone: +420-221 663 101
Ing. Daniela Bilnicová Blažková - CV
Address: National Library of the CR
Economy and Operation Management
Klementinum 190
CZ 110 00 PRAGUE 1
Director - in charge: Ing. Daniela Bilnicová Blažková
Assistent: Radka Nováková (l. 119)
Section - Director: 1. Economy and Budget - Ing. Michal Košarko (ext. )
2. Facilities Management and Operation - Bc. David Fischer (ext. 601)
3. Investments - Ing. Johana Novotná MBA (ext. 294,108)
4. Personnel and Wages - Mgr. Jana Fridrichová (ext. 142)

5. Public Procurements and Projects - Mgr. Šárka Šeredová (ext. 442)

Economy and Operation Management

It is a unit on the level of a sector, managed by a deputy director.
It guarantees complex management of economy, finance, budget and personnel policy. It is responsible for administration and operation of all the NL buildings and premises. It controls implementation of the investments in accordance with approved plans. It manages repairs and maintenance of all immovable and movable assets in possession of the NL. It provides basic material and technical conditions necessary for work of the other NL organizational units. It provides coordination and methodological service and control within the scope of its competence, including grant projects. It monitors new trends in the branch in question and submits proposals for their application.


Daniela Bilnicová Blažková