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Facilities Management and Operation

Phone: +420-221 663 601
Address: National Library of the CR
Facilities Management and Operation
Klementinum 190
CZ 110 00 PRAGUE 1
Director - deputy: Bc. David Fischer
Deputy: Tereza Opavová
Department - Head: 1. Library Facilities Management - Tereza Opavová (ext. 192)
2. Operation of the Klementinum and Hostivař Central DepositoryMiloslav Janda (ext. )

Facilities Management and Operation
It is a unit on the level of a division, managed by a director. It ensures management and operation service of all the NL buildings. It provides repairs and maintenance of all the NL properties and technologies including revisions, technical inspections and emergency service. It ensures basic material and technical conditions necessary for work of other NL units. It is responsible for purchase, delivery, acceptance, distribution, installation and maintenance service. It provides facility management including cleaning and moving services. It ensures insurance contracts and solves insurance events. It operates car services. It provides for energy management. It ensures activities connected with rentals of non-residential premises. It manages and provides coordination and methodical service, control and monitoring.


1. Library Facilities Management

It is a unit on the level of a department, managed by a head. It ensures a partial part of the NL´s business agenda (purchase of movables and material according to individual request and needs except for IT and other selected departments) and its coordination with other fields of activity. It completely manages stock of material and technical supplies (office and hygiene supplies) for internal needs of the NL and it keeps records of them. It ensures activities connected with long-term rentals of the NL non-residential premises and participates in realization of part of short-time rentals and cultural events. It keeps partial records of lease contracts in the competence of this department. It is responsible for the agenda of car service, i.e. transportation of persons and material including the transport of library holdings between the NL buildings as well as maintenance and repairs of library vehicles. It completely ensures all activities connected with insurance of the NL property (it is responsible for all insurance contracts and solves the insurance events). It performs a partial inventory control of the NL property.


2. Operation of the Klementinum and Hostivař Central Depository
It is a unit on the level of a department, managed by a head. It is responsible for technical operation and maintenance of buildings and technologies (except for IT and security technologies). It provides for statutory revisions and technical inspections. It ensures repairs and alterations of the NL buildings. It provides facility management service including cleaning of the NL buildings and maintenance of the NL grounds. It provides non-stop supervision of the NL buildings and solves emergency events. It participates in project activities in cooperation with specialized departments. It performs passportization and creates operating rules for technological units. It ensures the process.

David Fischer