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In the Name of the Belarusian Nation…

The exhibition commemorates 100 years from the arrival of the exile government of the Belarusian Democratic Republic in Prague that became the centre of Belarusian exile...
In the Name of the Belarusian Nation…


October 6 - December 29, 2023 Klementinum, ground floor (gate A), Mon - Sat 9 am - 7 pm (in the NL Opening Hours)
Admission to the exhibition for the NL registered users and those with a one-day Admission Ticket in the NL Opening Hours
NL readers entrance free

The exhibition commemorates the move of the Council of the Belarusian Democratic Republic from Kaunas, Lithuania, to Prague that became the centre of Belarusian exile for the next two decades, which kept hope for the establishment of a free and democratic Belarus.