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Publishing of the Slavonic Library

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Publishing of the Slavonic Library  

  • Publishing belongs to one of the principal tasks of the Slavonic Library. The Slavonic Library primarily creates and edits scholarly bibliographies, special literature surveys and East European studies. Currently the publications are divided into one of the three series: Publications of the Slavonic Library, Bibliographies of the Slavonic Library and Editions of the Slavonic Library.
  • The presentation of its own holdings is one of the main aims of the publishing of the Slavonic Library.
  • The publishing also aims at presenting the Czech East European Studies and their tradition through publication of personal or subject bibliographies or edited volumes.
  • Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian exile in the interwar Czechoslovakia and beyond became the principal theme of the Slavonic Library publishing after 1989. The Library publishes bibliographies, studies, catalogues and conference proceedings concerning the subject.
  • Based on the 1973 decision of the International Committee of Slavists, the Library fulfils the role of the centre for registration and processing of materials related to the International Congresses of Slavists. The Library publishes the bibliographies of the published conference proceedings presented at International Congresses of Slavists. 



The Slavonic Library Series



  • Publications of the Slavonic Library
  • – the series includes scholarly monographs, edited volumes of studies and conference proceedings and methodological aids

  • Bibliographies of the Slavonic Library
  • – the series includes all the publications with bibliographic character be it personal or subject bibliographies or bibliographies of the individual International Congresses of Slavists

  • Editions of the Slavonic Library
  • – originally, this was the principal series of the Slavonic Library. With the establishment of the two specialised series mentioned above, it now includes only true editions of historical documents and catalogues of exhibitions