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Exhibitions - February 2014

The Story of a Word, the Story of an Idea
January 15 - March 2, 2014

Openinig ceremony

Although many of us have not read Josef Jungmann´s translation of Atala by Chateaubriand, or that of The Paradise Lost by Milton, they accompany us literary at every step. The aim of Jungmann´s efforts was to prove that the Czech language is equivalent to other world languages, which he demonstrated by translations of the works mentioned above. In his translations we  find Czech that significantly affected our present language and way of thinking. By the choice of language, Jungmann linked his life through centuries with Chateaubriand and Milton. All three were fighting for freedom, albeit at different times and forms but always through language. The display features the connection among the three authors and asks the visitor, how he himself feels influenced by them …. Is the book only a book, or is it an instrument that can change thinking of people?
The exhibition is organised by the National Library of the CR and the civic association Ontogenie Cultural Centre.

The Klementinum Gallery – Exhibition Hall (entrance from the Mariánské Square, Gate B2)
Tuesday to Sunday: 10.30 am – 6 pm

Entrance fee: adults 50 CZK; seniors, students, groups over 10 persons 40 CZK, children 6-16 years 20 CZK; children up to 6 years free. 

Josef Truhlář and the Klementinum Library
February 14 - April 12, 2014

Opening ceremony

In February 2014 the National Library of the CR commemorates the 100th anniversary of death of Josef Truhlář, an outstanding literary historian, editor and curator of the Imperial and Royal Public and University Library. This eminent specialist and scholar went down in history of Czech literature and codicology with his works on Czech Humanism and his reports about Czech and Latin literary manuscripts and their editions. Apart from that he later significantly intervened in a dispute over the fake Manuscripts (Královédvorský and Zelenohorský Mss.) on the side of their opponents. He issued many essays on manuscripts in connection with his cataloguing the manuscript holding of the today´s National Library of the CR. His work resulted in publishing the monumental catalogues of Latin and Czech manuscripts between 1905 and 1906. The exhibition is intended both for the specialists and the wide public, very interesting are for example records about the history of library collections and their location in the Klementinum.

Exhibition corridor, groundfloor, Monday to Saturday: 9 am – 7 pm


Opening hours and entrance fee

Exhibitions in the NL
Moday - Saturday 9 am - 7 pm
Fee: 5,- CZK (free for registered users of the NL)

The Klementinum Gallery - Exhibition Hall
(entrance from Marianské Sq., entrance B2)
Tuesday - Sunday 10.30 am - 6 pm
Fee: mentioned by the exhibitions


National Library of the CR
Exhibitions department
Klementinum 190
110 00 Prague 1
Czech Republic
Telephone: +420-221663332