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Reference Centre Projects and Grants

Reference Centre of the National Library
      - Open Society Fund - Network Library Programme
Reference Centre of the National Library - Gate to the World of Information
      - Ministry of Education, Youth and Physical Education
OCLC FirstSearch Service
      - Ministry of Education, Youth and Physical Education

The project for the Reference Centre of the National Library of the Czech Republic was accepted by the administration in 1997 and has been realised under difficult financial circumstances since 1998. The Centre was opened on trial basis in June 1999. In October of that year OSI - Network Library Programme Matching Funds accepted our project for equipping the Centre with computer technology. This project was realised during the year 2000. The completely equipped Reference Centre was open to the public on July 31, 2000. This project is followed by the project Reference Centre of the National Library of the Czech Republic - Gate to the World of Information. For the years 2000 to 2003 the Ministry of Education, Youth and Physical Education financially supports it under its programme Information Resources for Research and Development (LI 2000).

This project - Reference Centre of the National Library of the Czech Republic - Gate to the World of Information aims to secure further development of the Reference Centre and to carry out its main mission, which is to facilitate services from local and remote resources to local and remote users alike. Under this project we plan completion of the infrastructure of the Reference Centre (HW and SW) and enhancement of basic information resources.
(World Bibliographies, World Bibliographical Archives, Patrologia Latina, Acta Sanctorum). The goal is the Reference Centre as a 'gate', which locally and through internet provides integrated access to primary, secondary and applied information resources to scientists and researchers in R&D.

OCLC FirstSearch Service
thanks to a long-term co-operation with OCLC the National Library as a leading member of the 'Association for Czech National Bibliography' receive an offer to make available in main Czech libraries OCLC FirstSearch.


Hanuš Hemola