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You are here: Home About us About NL Basic documents Cards Security, Crisis Management and Deployment Section

Security, Crisis Management and Deployment Section

Phone: +420-221 663 486
Address: National Library of the CR
Security, Crisis Management and Deployment Section
Klementinum 190
CZ 110 01 PRAGUE 1
Director: Libor Durlin, BBA

Security, Crisis Management and Deployment Section

It is a separate unit managed by the security director, accountable and reporting directly to the NL General Director in compliance with Act No. 412/2005 Coll., on the protection of classified information and security eligibility. The section coordinates the area of comprehensive security of the NL, i. e. security systems, classified information, surveillance and security guards, staff safety, fire protection and crisis management. It also manages the electronic control system for entry of persons and driving‐in and parking of vehicles on the NL premises; it analyses security risks and proposes measures to minimize them to the NL General Director. The section is responsible to the General Director for handling the complaints against the procedure of the NL. At the same time, the section performs study and analysis work, it prepares demanding professional and specialized information studies and analysis of materials with emphasis on effective use within the entire NL and comprehensive coordination of long-term projects (especially the Revitalization of the Klementinum and the completion and reconstruction of the Hostivař Depository).

Libor Durlin