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Centre for Communication

Phone: +420 602 811 320
Mgr. Martina Košanová - CV
Address: National Library of the Czech Republic
Centre for Communication
Klementinum 190
CZ 110 00 PRAGUE 1
Director and press agent: Mgr. Martina Košanová
Department - Head: 1. PR and Marketing Department -
2. Publishing & Exhibitions Department - MgA. Lea Matvijová (ext. 332)

Centre for Communication
It is a unit on the level of a division, managed by a director.
It is responsible for complex marketing and PR activities of the NL. It prepares plans of exhibitions in the NL and in other venues and produces their complete realization. It operates the Klementinum Gallery. It is responsible for graphics and content of the first two levels of the NL web pages and the NL presentation on social networks. It functions as a technical editor for Internet and Intranet in cooperation with other NL units, especially with ICT Infrastructure and Operation Division. It creates the NL enterprise graphics and supervises its application. It approves and ensures all cultural events held in the NL. It coordinates and approves the use of public premises of the NL and participates in organization of events held there. It organizes guided sightseeing tours in the NL. It approves and ensures the rent of the NL rooms for single cultural productions, including filming and photographing. It is responsible for the contracts on providing copies from the NL collections and the licence to their use, and for the contracts on loan of the NL documents to exhibitions, except for the historical documents. It guarantees editorial work of the NL, including official prints with letterhead, logo and corporate design, it is responsible for sale and distribution of the published documents. It ensures the production of information, advertising and promotional materials of the NL, both regular and on the occasion of important exhibitions and events. It provides coordination and methodical service and control within the scope of its competence. It provides information service to the public and the sale of titles published by the NL. In cooperation with competent bodies it ensures internal communication within the NL.


PR and Marketing Department
It is a unit on the level of a department, managed by a head.
It provides complex marketing and PR service for the NL, including internal communication. It approves and provides the background to all cultural events, professional discussions, seminars etc. in the NL premises. It is responsible for graphics and content of the NL web pages, including their English version. It organizes sightseeing tours to historical rooms for library guests and excursions for students. . It creates and manages a system of sponsorship and donation. It ensures the production of the NL information, advertising and promotional materials for all the NL. It administers the archives of photographic documents. It approves and manages the rents of the NL rooms for single cultural productions including photographing and filming. It is responsible for the contracts on providing copies from the NL collections and the licence to their use, and for the contracts on loan of the NL documents, published after 1800, to exhibitions. It participates in operation of the Information and Sales Centre at the entrance to the NL building.


Publishing & Exhibitions Department

It is a unit on the level of a department, managed by a head.   It is responsible for all publishing activities of the NL, including official prints with letterhead, logo and corporate design. It ensures sale and distribution of the published titles. It is responsible for preparing, completing and issuing the NL annual report. Within the scope of its competence it provides coordination, methodical, advisory and consultancy services. It submits proposals of the NL editorial plan. It plans and coordinates editorial work on publications, i.e. titles published by the NL and printed promotional material. Within the scope of its competence, it controls the quality of editorial design and layout of the NL publications. It participates in proofreading of texts of publications, for media etc.   It is responsible for internal production of publications, editorial plan and official prints with letterhead, logo and corporate design   It is responsible for complex distribution, sale and expedition of all the NL publishing production including promotional products. It participates in operation of the Information and Sales Centre and e-shop. It submits policies and plans of the NL exhibition activities inside and outside the NL and ensures their organization and realization in all phases. It is responsible for their content and formal quality. It prepares and produces the NL internal communication system. It is involved in organizing the NL cultural events and their presentation. It creates the NL enterprise graphics and supervises its application (the NL guidance information system). It participates in preparation of content of printed and electronic outputs and ensures their graphics, mainly official prints with letterhead, logo and corporate design.

Martina Košanová