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Librarianship Institute

Telephone: +420-221 663 338
PhDr. Vít Richter - CV
Fax: +420-222 220 362
Address: National Library of the CR
Librarianship Institute
Klementinum 190
CZ 110 00 PRAGUE 1
Director: PhDr. Vít Richter
Department - Head: 1. Study and Information Department - Mgr. Vladana Pillerová (ext. 330)
2. Department for Education - Mgr. Roman Giebisch, Ph.D. (ext. 333)
3. Analysis and Coordination of PLIS (Public Library and Information Services) - PhDr. Vít Richter (ext. 338)

Librarianship Institute
It is a unit on the level of a division, managed by a director.
It prepares documents of conceptual, methodological, normative and legislative character for organizational build-up and functional development of the system of libraries in the Czech Republic. Based on the authorization by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, it coordinates programmes and initiatives to support public library and information services (PLIS). It provides advisory, consultancy and expert services to libraries and information establishments and their founders. It organizes out-of-school courses and seminars for staff of other libraries, and internal courses and seminars for the NL staff. In accordance with the NL Rules and Regulations, it provides public library and information services to library users. Pursuant to valid legal regulations, it represents the libraries in negotiations with collective copyright managers in the case of payments for the author´s works. Within the scope of its competence, it is responsible for the cooperation on the international level and takes part in activities concerning research and development


Study and Information Department

It is a unit on the level of a department, managed by a head.

It builds up and provides access to both card and electronic collections of the Library and Information Science Reading Room and Library. It builds up and provides access to bibliographic, reference nad terminological databases from the field of library and information science; it provides access to foreign electronic sources in this field. It provides library, bibliographic, documentary, retrieval, analyses and reference services. It is responsible for building up and continuous update of the information portal IPK – Information for Libraries.

In the portal it among other acquires and provides access to information on international librariy associations, their programmes and initiatives. IPK portal is also an information portal for the KIV subject gateway in the form of the so-called subject section in the Central Portal of Libraries. It collaborates on topical tasks of research and investigative character limited in time.


Department for Education

It is a unit on the level of a department, managed by a head. It organizes retraining library courses and exams for five type positions in accordance with the rules of the National System of Qualifications, and other out‐of‐school education and training in library and information science for both staff of the libraries in the Czech Republic and the NL staff; it outlines its conception, programmes and curriculum. It provides consultancy and methodological service in the field of branch education. It arranges for experts´ business stays in the NL and specialised excursions in this field. It cooperates with branch educational institutions both in the Czech Republic and abroad. It participates in organising professional as well as social events held in the NL.


Analysis and Coordination of PLIS (Public Library Information Science)

The section prepares materials of conceptual, methodological, normative and legislative character for organisational build-up and functional development of the system of libraries in the Czech Republic. It carries out surveys focused on problems of reading, libraries and position of libraries in the society. It monitors meeting the standards and creates tools to measure the effectiveness and activity of libraries. It collects data on public and other libraries in the Czech Republic, it takes part in completing the directory of libraries and information institutions in the Czech Republic. It compiles biographical database The Dictionary of Czech Librarians.  It provides advisory, consultancy, and expert services to libraries, information centres and their founders. It guarantees the national coordination of regional functions and evaluates their fulfillment. It coordinates and organizes the programme of Public Library Information Services (PLIS, in Czech VISK). It represents libraries in negotiations with collective copyright managers regarding the use of works protected by Copyright Act No. 121/2000 Coll., it prepares documents for payment of remuneration for the use of copyright works. It is responsible for completing and publishing the journal Library and Library Plus.

Vít Richter