Foreign literature acquired in
March 2024

Acquired publications by subject groups:

01 Generalities 14 Medical sciences and public health
02 Philosophy and psychology 15 Engineering, technology, industries, and crafts
03 Religion and theology 16 Agriculture and forestry
04 Sociology and statistics 17 Domestic science
05 Politics and economy 18 Management, administration, and organization
06 Law, public administration, and insurance 19 Town and country planning, and architecture
07 Military art and science 20 Plastic and graphic arts, and photography
08 Education, teacher-training, and leisure 21 Music, theatre, film, and performing arts
09 Trade, communication, transport, and tourism 22 Games and sports
10 Ethnography and cultural anthropology 23 History of literature and literary criticism
11 Philology, languages, and linguistics 24 Geography
12 Mathematic 25 Historiy and biograph
13 Natural science 26 Literary texts

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Irena Burešová