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Exhibitions - March 2016

Books Discovered Once Again
March 31 - May 21, 2016

The exhibition concludes a project of the same name and features history of reserve collections of the National Library of the CR. The books came in the NL´s possession after World War II, when a large number of books were secured on the Czechoslovak territory, some of them confiscated, others dispossessed. Originally they were kept at libraries of different unions, institutions, or private owners. Twelve thousand volumes were selected to be provided with basic evidence and description in order to make them accessible to both professionals and memory institutions. Simultaneously, the archival and historical research was conducted that included also legal problems. The display presents the often complicated and long story of these documents.

Exhibition corridor, ground floor
Monday to Saturday:  9 am – 7 pm

Admission 10 Kč (the NL readers free).



The Stories of Places. Topography of the Contemporary Nation´s Memory
January 18 – March 19, 2016


An exhibition features the outpout of the project of the same name, conducted by the Institute for Contemporary History, Academy of Sciences of the CR, and the Institute of Slavic and German Studies of the Philosophical Faculty, University of J. E. Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem. The aim of the project is to map places, burdened by events between 1948 and 1989. With the aid of stands and a catalogue, the display presents some of researched results. However, the substantial purpose of the exhibition is a resercher´s seat that provides electronic database, which is the major output of the project of the National Cultural Identity (NAKI), subsidised by the Ministry od Culture of the CR.

Exhibition corridor, ground floor
Monday to Saturday:  9 am – 7 pm
Entrance free

Opening hours and entrance fee

Exhibitions in the NL
Moday - Saturday 9 am - 7 pm
Entrance free

The Klementinum Gallery - Exhibition Hall
(entrance from Marianské Sq., entrance B2)
Tue-Sun 10.30 am - 6 pm
Fee: mentioned by the exhibitions


National Library of the CR
Exhibitions department
Klementinum 190
110 00 Prague 1
Czech Republic
Telephone: +420-221663332